Monday, January 12, 2009

Where for art thou... umbrellas?

Somewhere in the deepest, darkest jungles of the greater Maryland area (cough...Sarah's locker... cough) is a stack of umbrellas that used to belong to me.

Oh how I miss them.

Where oh where art thou, umbrellas? (Sarah's locker)

I hope to see you again someday.

Is your new home (Sarah's locker) friendly? Can you open all the way? Do you get a refreshing drink of rainwater now and then?

One day I hope you will make your way home from your hiding place (Sarah's locker) and rest your humble selves in my closet once again. I think of you frequently, especially when vast amount of water pour from the sky and your comforting presence is no longer around to shelter me.

Maybe you will re-appear as you magically did last year -- when you suddenly manifested yourself in the hallway on, strangely enough, the last day of school.
How odd that was.


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