Thursday, January 15, 2009

My New Assistant

Ah ha!
I have a slave flunky assistant today!!!

We have warned Jason on numerous occasions that his tendency to oversleep and race for the bus exactly 14 seconds before it arrives is going to get him into trouble.

We are O-V-E-R the "I didn't hear the alarm"/"The alarm didn't go off"/"I had the alarm set for PM instead of AM"/and other various "It's not my fault" excuses.
I've told him the "user error" alarm issue has run it's course, and he needs to start setting more than one alarm if he has such problems.
After all he only has, like, 3 or 4 clocks. Trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, we kept giving him more clocks in hopes THOSE alarms would work.

It's to the point where he's had more warnings than Brangelina has kids.

He's had so many warnings, in fact (all unheeded), that we finally had to tell him that he and he alone is now responsible for getting himself up for school. We are not going to continue to be his alarm clock after he ignores the one he has set.
He was told if he misses the bus we are not going to take him to school. (I know, this sounds great... but wait....)
AND... we will not give him a note, therefore anything he missed that day will get a failing grade.
(Or so we assume. With this "No Child Left Behind" bullcrap they might just give him an "A" on everything anyway. ...But that is a rant for another day...)
He also, of course, does not get to sit around all day drooling in front of the tv.

So, this morning... the school bus came and went... and he was still downstairs sawing logs.

So now, I have an assistant.
He (with supervision) is in charge of the babies.
He is gonna feed, change, and rock the baby.... change and get food and such for the toddler... watch SPROUT channel all day, and, in general get so annoyed by the fact he is the all-day babysitter that he will not want to "accidentally" oversleep or miss the bus again.

I've already gotten a few sighs and "woe is me" looks from him... so the plan may be working.
We'll see.

Maybe I should go get a massage....

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