Saturday, January 10, 2009

No Library for You!

Well, the kids sure benefit at home when their mom lets them down and/or pisses me off.

She didn't show AGAIN.
Didn't call.
Didn't answer her phone.

Therefore, in a show of solidarity, and because I couldn't get them to a Movie Night event at the church (since we didn't know until she didn't show that she wasn't gonna show), normally-restricted-for-everything Jason got to have some quality Wii time, and is currently out at a friend's house.
Sarah is also Wii-ing at the moment, and may go to a quarter auction with me tonight. (Kinda like bingo where you win stuff like Tupperwear, Avon, and Pampered Chef -genre items.)

ANYWAY... to continue my rant on their Bio-Mom: Can you believe it looks like I can't get them a friggin library card?
Why, you ask?

Because Bio-Mom... many years ago... took 5-year-old Sarah's card and borrowed books she never returned.
I am not tryin' to be ultra-picky here. We all forget to return library books on occasion. And we all go "Sh*t!" when we realize we now have to fork over some green because of it.

But we aren't talkin' one or two books here.
We are talking about HUNDREDS of dollars worth of fines for who knows how many books.

I guess it makes sense, though.
If she can't be responsible for her kids, how can she be responsible for a library book?

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