Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Snow

We had actual snow here today.
Not just dandruff-sized flakes that floated down with just enough abundance to tease... but real snow.

In response to this winter milestone, Donny had to be terrified. All was good and fun for about 3 minutes.. until he saw the snow gathering on the tips of his shoes. Then, suddenly ... "WHAAAAH!! A MESS!!!"
Now the question is, should I be glad I am instilling a sense of orderly cleanliness in my child -- or I should be worried I have created Howard Hughes (but without the money)?

Jason's response to the snow was to prove it isn't a big deal by taking the trash out in his bare feet.
Any other time he would, at minimum, throw his sandals on or say "I caaaan't, I don't have my shoes!"
But today... bare feet were fine. Snow and freezing rain and all.
I'm so proud.

And, in case anyone has been following and wondering... here is the status of the bike that is NOT being destroyed by being left outside:
I'll put up another pic when Spring hits and it is still in this exact location.

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