Sunday, January 25, 2009

Silence is NOT Golden

Maybe I should make Sunday my day to list everything that has pissed me off recently. But I have a feeling it would be the same ev-er-y damn week.

For now, I'll just let you know what that sound was.
It was my head popping off.

And the reason is... because I am forced to have the conversation below every day.
I wish I could say this is a kid-only problem, but quite obviously they have learned this habit from their father.

I ask a member of the family to do something.
I get no response or indication that my voice did anything other than bounce off the walls.
I wait.
I ask again.
Again, no response.
The next thing that happens is I raise my voice in the attempt to break their computer/tv/video game coma.
They either then get pissed cause they heard me and wonder why I am asking the same thing 3 times.
They get mad cause they didn't hear me and no wonder why I seem to be mad out of nowhere.

I am then forced to ask:
"How am I supposed to know if you heard me or not?"
It doesn't seem to register that if I don't get a respone, how am I supposed to the difference between being heard (but ignored) or not being heard (due to media-coma)?

Later. Rinse. Repeat scenario daily.

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